Step 1 – Navigate to the Appearance > Customize from the WordPress dashboard.
Step 2 – Open the ‘Typography > Typekit Integration’ pane.
Step 3 – Active the ‘Typekit’ field.
Step 4 – Enter your typekit ID from the ‘Typekit ID’ field.
Step 5 – Click the ‘Create a Font’ from the ‘Typekit Fonts’ field.
Do this for each font you want to add.
Step 6 – Enter the font details you want to add.
- Font Slug: Enter font slug name. Example: paralucent
- Font Name: Enter font name. Example: Paralucent
- Variants: Choose font variants from the dropdown.
Step 7 – Save the settings and refresh the page. Adobe Fonts will be added to the font list. You can now use Adobe Fonts in the typography customizer.
The post Using Adobe Fonts appeared first on Gloria Themes.